Collection: Arbequina, Koroneiki, Arbosana

3 Unit pack


Oil with a balanced, complex profile, with plenty of ripe olive fruit identifiable in the nose and mouth. Highly diverse secondary vegetal aromas, especially apple and banana. The mouthfeel is almondy and sweet, with a slight astringency that does not interfere with its profile.


Oil with a complex profile characteristic of the variety, with medium green olive fruit, identifiable in the nose and mouth. There are hints of green walnuts, green almond, green tomato, fennel, and even tropical fruits such as mango. Overall it is a very well-balanced and harmonious oil, with marked hints of green fruit.


Oli de perfil equilibrat i complex, afruitat mig-alt, amb gran di- versitat d’aromes secundaris, tals como herba fresca, tomà- quet verd, carxofa, figuera i plàtano verd. Destaquen la seva amargor i el picant que predominen sobre el dolç i l’astringent.

Olis Molí Coloma